Genetic Comparison Trial – 2015 – 2018
A second MFS merino genetic comparison trial has commenced with the even up shearing completed on Wednesday the 6th May 2015. This years trial is being held at Caringo (click to view MAP).
At Induction all sheep were treated with a Startect and Q drench, a backline Avenge, a Guidair vaccine (if not previously vaccinated) and a zinc sulphate foot bath. All sheep were tagged with an EID and have their NLIS tag and a MFS flexi-tag.
For this trial, a total of 29 teams of 15 wethers are entered in the trial. The teams include ten (10) from the Yass, Bookham, Gunning and Crookwell regions and eighteen (18) teams originating from the Nimmitabel, Bombala, Dalgety, Cooma, Bungarby, Berridale and Jerangle regions. One (1) team is entered from Alectown, near Parkes in NSW.
Thank you Phil Graham (NSW Agriculture) and Matthew Lieschke (SE LLS) for helping with drafting of the teams.
Thank you also to Allflex for donating both the flock tags and the electronic tags and to Bayer and Jurox for donating animal health products for the even-up shearing (lice and worm control).
MFS has decided to donate the Wool proceeds (minus some minimal cost recovery) from the even-up shearing, on behalf of all the team participants to the local charity MEIS (Monaro Early Intervention Service). MEIS provides family centered early childhood intervention services for young children 0 – 6 years who have a disability or developmental delay, (
We also in advance acknowledge our sponsor Gallagher who have committed their auto-drafter to this trial if available when needed at the shearings.
Last but not least we would like to give a special mention and thank you to Gordon Litchfield Wool, the main sponsors of this wether trial who have contributed with the drafting of teams and transport of wethers to the host property (hired a truck from Yass) as well as waiving their brokerage fee for the selling of this wool from the even-up shearing.
The first results will not be available until April 2016 following the 1st shearing.
The 1st Year Report will be posted following the 1st shearing in April 2016.
2015 MFS Wether Trial – Call for Entries