Monaro Autumn Worm Risk Outlook 2024

The average worm egg count through this year’s summer on the Monaro is 322epg. This is 171epg higher than the previous year however it is lower than the long-term average of 414epg. Barbers pole makes up the majority of the worms at 51% (long term average 56%) followed by Black Scour and Small Brown Stomach Worm at 30% and 14% respectively. Black Scour Worm is nearly double the long-term average of 16%, statistically this percentage will increase through to autumn and winter. As the percentage of Black Sour and Brown Stomach Worm increases the threshold for drenching should be lowered as these worms have a higher impact on production at lower WEC’s. Regular WEC’s and effective drenching is key to successful worm control.