Carbon Ready Farm Businesses – Integrated Management Systems
Project Manager: Lachy Ingram
Project Assist: Frances Lomas
Project Collaborators: Department Primary Industries, Meat and Livestock Australia
Following the MFS AGM 2022, where Lachlan Ingram presented a brief overview of the proposed CN30 Project, the first of a series of meetings was held at the Nimmitabel Hall on 2 November 2023. Led by a team of personnel from NSW Department of Primary Industries, consisting of Warwick Badgery, DPI & MFS Industry Board member, Lachlan Ingram, Trudie Atkinson, Sarah Baker and Katrina Sinclair, a number of MFS members were provided with an overview and background to an existing larger project ‘Delivering integrated management system IMS options for CN30’ and how the Carbon ready farm business workshops fit into the bigger picture project.
The workshops have continued over the last nine months providing participants with educational materials, definitions and terminology, carbon balance, carbon account, audits, carbon footprint and reducing carbon emissions.
The Integrated Management systems (IMS) project will:
- Combine technologies from the emissions avoidance and carbon storage work areas into packages for adoption;
- Include the underlying frameworks, software, business cares and models to support adoption of these recommended practices.
Participants of the project will receive a carbon audit of their business, a review of current and emerging GHG emission reduction options, an understanding of different markets and mechanisms to reduce GHG emissions and regionally specific approaches and tools to reduce GHG emissions.
A further report will be provided for the 2023-24 Annual Report.