MFS Soil Club

The Monaro has contrasting soil types which differ substantially in their intrinsic fertility and fertiliser requirements.

The MFS Soils Club was initiated in 2010 and now involves 141 farm businesses with 4,400 results representing the three main soil types on the Monaro (basalt, granite and shale).  As a result of this soils club, MFS members now have a much better understanding of their soil fertility and landscape variability as well as adopted regular soil testing programs to map paddock fertility trends over time and target fertiliser investments to meet strategic fertility goals on each of their soil types and production systems.

The work done by the soils club has improved the skill level, understanding and capacity of producers to manage their soil fertility and improve their productivity as well as achieved practice change and greater efficiency in terms of fertiliser investments.

Project Funders and Contributors:

CSIRO – Dr Richard Simpson

South East Local Land Services

Incitec Pivot


Dr Richard Simpson, CSIRO, presents Soils Club findings at a Summer Soils Field Day.