Genetic Comparison Trial – 2012 – 2014
The MFS merino genetic comparison trial was initiated on the 17th October 2011 at “Knockalong”, Tombong. The 1st shearing took place on October the 16th 2012, the 2nd shearing on the 14th October 2013 and the final shearing on the 21st October 2014.
24 teams of 15 wethers were entered in the trial. The teams included seven (7) from the Yass, Bookham, Crookwell regions and seventeen (17) teams originating from the Nimmitabel, Bombala, Jindabyne, Cooma, Bungarby, Berridale and Jerangle regions.
Proceeds from the trial ($3,000) were donated to the locally established charity Monaro Education Foundation (MEF).
A second wether trial is commencing in April 2015.