RaboBank Client Council Prime Lamb Tour
Funded by: RaboBank
Project Collaborators: Gundagai Meat Processors, Lambpro, “Wallendoon East”, Wallendbeen.
In April 2023, Monaro Farming Systems took a small but enthusiastic group of members and industry representatives on an overnight bus tour to Wallendbeen and Gundagai to visit a large-scale prime lamb operation and the Gundagai Meat Processing Plant.
Day one began with a tour of “Wallendoon East”, located in the highly productive Wallendbeen region. The group was extremely interested in all aspects of the tour, including the well-planned yards, ewes and lambs, and highly productive pastures. The systems that have been developed to manage such an enterprise created a lot of interest and comment.
The day was concluded with an informal dinner with guest speaker, Rozzie O’Reilly. Rozzie was the 2021 recipient of the Zanda McDonald Award, a prestigious award for those in agribusiness in Australia and New Zealand. She is currently the Operations Manage at Lambpro, which is Australia’s largest prime lamb seedstock business.
Day two of the event featured a tour of the Gundagai Meat Processors, one ofAustralia’s most innovative and progressive lamb processors which processes over one million lambs annually. Attendees heard about the new technologies which GMP is known for and were provided a very comprehensive tour of the plant.
The group found this fascinating and tracked the lambs from just after they were killed, right through the plant to the finished packaged product.